
More Merging of the Hobbies

"the mind contains all possibilities"

So we still haven't closed because underwriters are dillheads.  So to take my mind off the no-end-in-sight-disappointment, I took to my spinning.  As Nick watched me spin as he usually does, a light bulb went off and without a moment to waste he was down in the Lego Lair (aka the basement).  Not five minutes later, he emerges with his new contraption and my new toy in hand.

A 100% Lego Drop Spindle.

1.3 oz
3" whorl
9" shaft

Rim weighted, hook that centers yarn really well, and the tire treads create notches anywhere I please.  I'm so proud!  He really had been paying attention!

So how well does it spin?  Absolutely Amazing.  I busted into my stash and found some sample cotswald rolags someone had sent me and started right away.  It spins as long, if not longer, than my Golding spindle, there's barely any wobble at all because the yarn is so centered and the purple tubing he added to the shaft makes the cop impossible to slip off (but may present a problem for slipping off later - we'll have to see).

So you're not amused by my new unconventional fiber tool?
You probably wouldn't like the automatic Lego Yarn Winder and Lego Swift he made either.



  1. Oh my freakin' god those are awesome!!! Your Nick is a winner!!! I LOVE it!!

  2. That is AWESOME!! Nick is the Lego Master!

  3. You HAVE to get Nick to post those at Instructables -- I know a 10-year-old who would LOVE to make them! (Well, at least his mother would love for him to make them!)
